Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It remains the same

I am listening to a NASA announcement about the new direction.  Boeing is there, Space Florida is there, partners are there.  Space Florida is a group of cronies composed of old retired NASA and retired contractors.  The exact people that let Skylab fall, Apollo end and the Space Shuttle program die.  They will kill the Space Station because there is no money in it for them. NO real money. 

I have been watching all the layoffs out here and you cannot find anyone with a salary of $100,000 or more being let go.  Many of these managers have changed seats and business cards but no real changes are occurring.  There is very little new blood or new ideas taking hold in this country.  All of the new jobs being created will give people jobs making 1/3 to a half as much as they were making previously.  The new buzz words are no longer "work  better and smarter", they are "work for less and be glad because we can find someone else to do it". 

I wonder if Purdue Chicken  will be able to replace the slave labor that the immigration laws are running off?  Will the service sector tax base be able to support the next bailout of the rich?

The clarity of the situation is too bright for my eyes.

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