Friday, November 11, 2011

sleeping in

I read an article about earthquakes in Oklahoma where they are not a common occurrence until lately.  There are small rumbles barely noticeable all the time.  They have had and increase in small rumbles and some of them are larger than comfortable to the locals.

In comes the marginally intelligent, always reactionary pot stirrers.  Fracking is causing the increase in earthquakes and if we continue we will destroy the earth because we pumped some water into a crack one mile into the earth.  Lets look at the facts as I make them up.

1.  These lately earthquakes were diagnosed to have occurred about three miles deep. 
2.  Someone has been pumping oil out of the ground in central Oklahoma for almost 100 years.
3.  Fracking is an increasing trend.
4.  Most fracking is occurring in older wells to extend production.
5.  The average Oklahoma person, like the rest of the country is becoming more ignorant about science and the whole mess.
6.  Oil companies are NOT our friends and they lie.
7.  Earthquakes release billions of tons of force when they crack, shift or slide.
8.  Drilling companies require high pitch squealing sounds so they routinely request the services of Mariah Carey since Micheal Jackson is dead and he was a flammability risk.
9.   Lots of chemicals are used in fracking but none are used in earthquakes.
10.  Earthquakes and earthquacks are not related.  Earthquacks are most likely stupid.

In summary:

Most likely, earthquakes are not being created by fracking or drilling in general.  It could be a cumulative effect of 100 years of disturbing the ground.  Oil companies have also done a cumulative negative effects for the world.  They have  been pumping chemicals out of the ground (oil and gas) and replacing it with chemicals, body parts and old home movies of J. Edgar Hoover.   As a rule of mine, I do not figure that anything the humans can do can trigger an earthquake.  Even the atomic bombs did not do it.  I think it takes something like an ice age, a global flood or another movie with Eddie Murphy, Jim Carey and Rob Schneider staring. 

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