Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Children of Wall Street

I was talking with a deregulator the other day.  He expressed his contempt for government over regulation. 

I don't need anyone telling me what Dr. to go to, what kind of light bulb to buy or if I can buy a gun or not.  He went on to say, "The government needs to round up all those immigrants in Texas and ship them back to Mexico, kick all those dead beats off of welfare and create some jobs for the working man."

I pondered his rant.

I have said before that teenagers think that we make them come in at midnight so as to keep them from having fun.  No, they need some regulation.  The atmosphere they exist in cannot assure safety and good decision making.  That is why we need to regulate banks, healthcare and guns.  Not so they cannot make money and have fun.   Yes it is true they may not make as much money.  Selling guns secretly to gangs is a larger more lucrative market than the general public.  Leveraging our money to one percent of its value will make wall street much richer but when the note comes due, we lose, not the bankers.  Drugs and doctors pushing products and services we no not need make them a ton of money.  I regulated my kids as much as I could.  I want the government to do the same with my tax dollars.

I think the rich should be rich, I think wall street should play its games.  I just want the government to make sure that if they screw up, it does not cost me.  That is what I want from these adolescent bone heads.

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