Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ear Plug Update

A while back I started sleeping with ear plugs to more easily escape the reality of life.  Effective as it was, there have been some drawbacks and some triumphs. 

On the negative side: 

I can report that my ear holes have taken a more rounded shape.  I think that is good except that maybe bugs can crawl in there since I noticed that the ear hair is not as plentiful as it used to be.  I cannot have bugs getting in there.  I was in Honduras a while back and there was a lady running around screaming that she had a bug in her ear.  We passed her off for nuts and to our amazement after tackling her and trying to sedate her we actually found a really small moth in her ear.  Did you ever notice that when something is found in your ear, it feels like a boulder and when you get it out you can barely see the speck.  I guess this lady who was borderline nuts anyway thought there was a Pterodactyl in her head.

A positive result of the ear plugs has been the sleep.  I get at least four hours uninterrupted sleep.  There can be antelope evading lions on the stairs and I just do not hear them.  Of course, the meth heads next door could set up a lab in the kitchen and I would not hear them.  My wife talks to me with these plugs in and she does not know I cannot hear every word (as apposed to not listening) so I say what a few times, nod my head and go to sleep.   

I seem to be missing one ear plug.  One morning I got up and had to do some digging in my ear for the foam thing.  It was past that bone perturbation and really in there.  I could hear myself scratchin my head.  Anyway, I got it out with a pair of dagger tipped tweezers.   Still, I am missing one.  These squishy foam things are expensive. I think four dollars will get you five sets.  Now I know that any nitwit  industrial fabricator could make a thousand of them for ten cents but how will they get rich selling them at that fair price.  I also seem to think that the pressure, small but continuous is causing some kind of jaw malfunction.  I get this clicking sound some mornings emanating from my jaw. 

As a whole, I think the ear plugs are of medium success.  I still wonder about the ear hair.

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