Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Science: Global Warming/Climate Change

There has been four or five articles that are rearing the ugly head of global warming.  The Fascist Right thought they had killed this Levampian Smurf.  The Liberal Way Outs even thought it was useless to talk about because they changed the name to Climate Change.  One can be pretty sure the weather will not stay the same so "change" is a good vague name to use.  (Do not go running to your American Collegiate Standard dictionary for the word Levampian, it is not in there.   I made it up.  There is a similar word somewhere but I could not think of it at the time of this writing.  The context is correct.  Also, the dictionary is still an extremely cool book to read.)

The interesting points in the articles were not just that the temperatures are getting warmer but that some of the indicators associated with the phenomenon are verifying the data.  Giant iceberg calving processes, huge ozone-less hole getting bigger over the Arctic, and Micheal Jackson, Siegfried and Roy, Jonny Bravo and Lady Gaga all have the exact same hair.  

Still, with all the posturing and the sticking of the head and obviously the butt in the sand, the big question is "what if anything can be done about it?  Can we reverse the trend toward warming, increase its progress, change the way we do things.  Probably all of the three. 

Here is what we can do without much effort and if many people did these simple things we could save the planet at least in our grandchildren's time here on Earth.

Stop buying plastic as much as possible.  That includes plastic packaging.  Plastics have made oil companies rich.  They have not improved our lives at all.  Well, maybe disposable diapers to some degree.

When the recyclers start mining the landfill dumps for metals and plastics, they will unleash a torrent of microbes that will make the world literally sick. So that is the second thing we can do for Climate change.   Personal recycling.  Do not let someone else recycle your waste.  Do it yourself.

The third thing is to teach your grandchildren to not procreate.  The planet will be dying by then and there will be no reason or ability to have a good life.

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