Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Civic Duty

I remember in Seventh Grade I was led into a real voting booth to cast my simulated vote for president of the United States.  It was an experiment in civic responsibility.  I remember not knowing anything about the candidates Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford and thinking that I should for such a huge responsibility as "voting".  I was so scared I did not vote that day or any other of the next two thousand nine hundred and twenty days to be exact.  When I did force my way into a voting booth, I voted for High Speed Rail in Orlando and Bob Graham for governor.    That was 1979.

I only voted for the subjects I knew something about.  I remember the ballot had some other bills and stuff but I did not vote yes or no.  I could not, would not with a goat so I did not will not with the vote.  I have voted for many thing on a fairly regular basis since that time.  I voted against off shore drilling and for Jeb Bush. I voted for Bush Sr. and against W. Bush.  I cast 1 vote for a cartoon character.  He had the best platform. 

Recently, I have tried very hard to vote locally and learn the topics and form an opinion.  I tried to apply the formula, If I cannot reason a choice, vote out incumbent, vote in female, reject amendments, vote yes for modifications.   Also, I believe in using the "Christmas tree" format for the selections.  Hell, it got me through the ACT test for college with a 23 score so I figured nothing but the best artwork for the country.  I do love the ballots where there is a space for a write in candidate.  The candidate formerly known as Prince got a vote one year.  IF I ever vote again, Josie Wales will get a write in. 

I think we should be able to cast a "NO" votes and the candidate with the least NOs wins.  Editorial votes would be nice. 

1.  For County Judge,  To Bit Jenkins, __YES,__NO, __MORON.

Our vote should be a representation of the people.  How are we going to clean up this mess if we have to keep appointing idiots, perverts, liars, crooks and morons to positions.  Those are the only choices.  Since they are not accomplishing a freakin thing accept blowing our tax money and each other, we, and I speak for Americas, do not need any of them.  We should only vote for felons and illiterate inbreds and I am pretty sure things would come around nicely in one election cycle. 

2.  For Election Commissioner
__"Scar" Ellison,, Experience   -  9 yrs for armed robbery and Sedition
__ Sue Benton, former deputy Housing commissioner
__ Richard Markleson, Accountant with tie and bad hair

The only other suggestion I have is that they give away barbecue and water from the local aquifer (if there is a bill related to water usage and health on the ballot)  at the polling stations.  People would show up and have a good time.

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