Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Constitution: Final Thoughts

This is the last episode of the Constitution articles.  I found myself dreaming about the writers and what a huge exciting deal they were involved in.  I was involved in the Shuttle Science program in the beginning and looking back it was very busy and exciting.  Here are some observations about the Constitution. 

The State of Florida never seems to ratify Constitutional amendments.  Out of the 27 amendments, Florida only ratified nineteen of them.  The ratification process only requires a 3/4 majority for passage so I guess by the time it gets to Florida's turn to vote, the amendment has a majority so they just blow it off.  Still, lets finish the damn ratification process guys.  I think States should be called out when they do not ratify.  How can we expect anyone to participate if the State Legislature does not.

Most amendments are simple and quickly ratified except the one's concerning congress's rights.  Most amendments are initiated by the voice of the people.  The issues are usually singular and straight forward.  Sometimes they are too simple and need a big fat "DUH" sticker placed on the top of the document.  Most amendments take about a year to proceed from "proposed" to "Ratification".

I may never vote again and Rhode Island is still an odd name for a state. 

The Bill of Rights were the first set of amendments and these issues were all "leftover" items that were not dealt with in the original Constitution.  The Founding Fathers knew they had to get a completed and signed Constitution for the country so they agreed to differ some issues to the Bill of Rights.  The Reconstruction amendments were the second set of amendments and those were used to settle some issues resulting from the Civil War and the emancipation of the negros. 
The remaining six or seven amendments were not worth going to war over type issues, but almost.  Lawyers started to realize they could make some money slamming the Supreme Court and by challenging policies that took 200 years to create.  Most of these remainder originated as legal challenges. 

The third set coming in a few years,will be trying to keep congress funded while the country is in anarchy.  I predict that congress will repeal the third(quartering), the fourth (search and seizure)and the eleventh (immunity shit) amendments so the congress persons can do whatever they want, anywhere they want and not have to pay for it because there will be no money in the treasury.  Congressman will be living in our houses while they are touring the country.

The two amendments that took the most time to ratify were dealing with restrictions to power for the congress. The 22nd (three years) deals with presidential  term limits and the 27th (200 years)  tackles a simple congressional pay issue.   NO SHIT.  Lets ask Russia and Venezuela how that no term limit thing is working.  If you want to take a slippery step backwards in human rights, do not limit the power of the politicians.  There are limits for a good reason.  I have a lawn mower that had a note on the oil cap, "Do not Overfill" like too much lubrication is a bad thing.  Spare the rod and spoil the child.  Too little control over horny, spoiled, smarmy, self-centered, legal minded, hoser political persons would be like sparing the rod or not using enough lubricant.  Trouble is the only thing that will take root on parched land.  Did you ever notice the shit that grows in your yard after a drought kills everything!

The rest of the Constitution is the nuts and bolts of how to run a government. I tried to read it all but I just could not get through it.  It is a cool document and my admiration goes to the founders of this document and country and my respect is higher than ever.  I am completely dishearten at this point by our state of affairs and I probably will not vote not because there are not issues but because there is no longer a point to support a system that does not work and is not fixable. 

Job was asked what he learned from all the misfortune he was subjected to and I think he said, "Never scratch a festering wound".  Exactly.  Just leave it alone.

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