Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Last week Andy Rooney died of old age.  I am glad he is a writer and I can read his words and relive his utterances.  I will be able to picture him grouching through his topics while always hiding behind his eyebrows as if to say, "Hey, do not look at me, listen to the words.  I could listen to them all day long.  Most of everything he said was his honest opinion and needed to be said.  Like the wisdom you expect to hear from a grandparent or the old guy down at the park. 

Joe Frazier died this week.  He was one of the greatest men ever and even Ali knew it.  Liver cancer got him at sixty seven years young.  He was an Olympic Gold Medal winner and the Boxing champion of the world.  He used what he had, a hard head and a lethal left hook that could scare the bejesus out of you and worse.  I miss watching him fight.  A few years ago there was a 60 Minutes piece on him and he was a polite, reserve gentleman  that accomplished some truly great things.  I hope history will be kind to Joe. 

I know that Andy and Joe are now sitting together talking about the great fights, David and Goliath, Ike and Tina, Liz and Richard.  We are supposed to be careful who we idolize.  I cannot go wrong with Andy and Smokin Joe.  I miss you guys already. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Andy really said it like it was and said what everyone was thinking about too afraid to say. I would love it if they put a greatest hits, or better yet, all of his pieces on DVD. I'd watch it. I feel that way about Bob Schieffer too. He's too old to give a damn about tip toeing around an issue. He will call people out and not let them get away with spinning their stories. Love to see him jump all over someone when the facts are there to back him up.
