Monday, November 28, 2011

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  I have said this before and I just confirmed it by living through another "family" party.  Some family parties are excuses and precursors for domestic violence.  Some dysfunctional families get together during Thanksgiving only to drink too much, eat improperly prepared foods and go home feeling much worse than when they arrived.  Families get together out of guilt and insanity.  (Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result)  Meeting year after year in hopes that at least once everyone will get along and be "happy" is nuts.  Or as Benny Hill would say "Das Braininstuff up dehn Umpa". 

The Thanksgiving our extended families just created was truly a time of thanks and giving.  Many different people amassed at my house talked and chit chatted for hours.  The food has always been of the utmost importance and quality.  The children, yes the lovely children seemed to sense that these strangers are of a familiar kind.  They all share games and secrets like long lost friends.  The kids do not know it but these are friends they will have for the rest of their lives and that is as it should be. 

The best group is the old crowd.  My aunts and uncles whom I have literally known my entire life.  We say that phrase often, "my entire life".  This is one situation that rings truth to that phrase.  These people have filled in for our own parents when for whatever reason we needs then to.  They love us like our own parents do or should and their children are as familiar as a brother or a sister.  The old crowd is so fun to watch interact.  They too have been together their entire lives. 

I thanked all that came and I meant it with my heart.  There was food left over and I ate it quickly so to shorten the pain to a few days instead of many.  


  1. We had a great time, too! Great weather, great food!

  2. This is a really nice post Matt. It was a great Thanksgiving. Someone asked me what I did for Thanksgiving and I told them we had a ton of great food and ate outside and just chit chatted. There were no gimmicks to make this day so nice, just hanging out with family and shooting the breeze and it really was a nice time. I'm glad we have Thanksgiving at your house. It's like a retreat with all that land. Plus, Lisa's salad is awesome.
