Monday, November 14, 2011


I just finished a four month journey watching every episode of the Stargate SG-1 series on Netflix.  Now I am not completely sure I started at episode 1.  I watched the show when it was on TV but I never saw every one.  Actually, this time I skipped half of season nine and went to the last episode of the final season.  Since Harry Dean Stanton left the show it was not the same.  That is a joke for you serious SG-1ers out there.

I am not too concerned about those episodes I missed.  The tension is just not there.  They vanquish all foes and if someone dies they come back to life.  They even do that time travel thing.  For those of you old enough to remember "Time Tunnel" it is sort of like that.  Personally, I lose interest when there is time travel.  I am just not on that train I guess.  For me, it is chicks in nice fitting cloths kicking crotches and shooting guns but Stargate SG-1 kept my interest for quite a while.  I cannot really figure out "why"!

I like smart mouthed heroes.  I think satirical people get "it" at a deeper level than others.  I was watching Die Hard II the other day.  McCain is a smart mouth.  I watched High Plains Drifter also.  Even though he says very little, he is a smart mouth anti-hero.  If you cannot joke in the face of death what good are ya.  What are you going to do in your last minute of life? Cry?.   You can do anything that you are willing to die for!  More importantly, if you are not willing to die for it, you will most likely not do it well.

The stargate is a euphemism  for "lets see what is around the next corner or what is the next card in the deck."  I usually can avoid such mental traps but I did not try with this show.  Not only did I want to see what was through the next gate, I wanted to be there for some reason.  I think I would need to carry a bunch of toilet paper to actually go through on a mission.  I do want to see what is around the next bend in the road but not if someone promises to put a giant snake lizard in my neck if I get caught.  I wonder if these evil beast were afraid of a Mongoose.  It may have been that simple to save the universe.

Mulan saved China, Jack Oneill saved the universe, I saved stuff from annihilation.  It is fun and the whole family can help.  I do not recall watching the original movie, Stargate but I remember a show called Starman which I liked.  We all need a stargate to transport us to a place where we did not think we needed to go.  We found that the gate was within us, Indeed!

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