Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Telephone Support

I made a call to find out why my telephone bill was as high as it was.  It is the AT&T Bendover Bundle with High Speed Lubricant Extreme.  Surprisingly, I have been fairly happy with the plan.  Lately, I am feeling unappreciated and I think the shelf life has run out on the lubricant.  So I called the AT&T Help Line on the web page. 

He introduced himself as Seth and I wondered if he was outsourced to Krakatoa, Micronesia.   Over the Avian flu like coughing and chattering in the background, he informed me he was from Salt Lake City, Utah.  I decided to check and make sure.  I said, "You sound young, should you not be on a mission?".  He informed me he just got back from Sarasota, Florida and his Bishop told him he needed a job with AT&T.  "Note to self:  At&T is going to be bought out by Prudential Insurance" which is owned by the Mormon Church.  I just watched an episode of Stargate SG-1 where a glowing eyed Seth was a bad guy running a cult so everything seems copacetic.

Me:  So , Hey Seth, my bill keeps going up but I am on a plan, how is that possible?

Seth:  Well, I cannot check your exact account information but I can tell you what plans we have available. 

Me:  Hmmmp

Seth:  Let me have your address to see what is available in your area.

It felt like I was trying to get my windshield fixed all over again.  By the way, I found a windshield, installed at my house, next day for $30 less.  Seth asked me for my zip code, and stuff.  Why cannot a company like AT&T, a big super gigundas company with techno power know from my call where, who and what freakin zip code I come from.  Caller ID should have all that information.  Then the dreaded question:

Seth:  Would you prefer to be called Matt or Mathew, is that spelled with one T as in Tom?

Me:  Matt with an M and two TT's, thank you Seth with an S as in Satan!

I knew at this point, I would not get answers to my questions so lets see if I can point Seth in the right direction.

Seth:  It says you can have unlimited local and long distance for $29.95 each and I do not have a price on the Internet.  Would you like to sign up for this now?

Me:  Na, I want to talk with billing first and find out what the problem is. Thank you Seth.

I really try not to be rude.  I know these guys and gals are just trying to make a living and maybe they are young and just getting through college.  Maybe they have made bad choices and just need a job to support mouths.  I really do try.

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