Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A dog's sense of smell

A dog's ability to smell  is more similar to our ability to see.  Researches say that in people, smells trigger more powerful memories than sight does.

A dog can smell a pole in the red light district and can tell what kind of animal peed on it, whether it was male or female and how long ago it was visited. It can distinguish between hundreds of types of animals.  It can probably tell what it had for breakfast, the size of the animal and whether it was sick or healthy,  or even running or walking.  I would assume that dogs and other low to the ground animals need a good smeller more than good vision. I do not think it coincidental that dogs and not coons are used for tracking and searching.  A polar bear or a boa constrictor would be impractical impractical.

An episode of "COPS" in Clark County, Las Vegas.

Officer Gutierrez:  The perps took off down that alley, Lets set the Boa loose on him.

Sargent Clemente:  Don't have time for that, call for the bear.  They are scared to death of polar bears.

Officer Gutierrez:  I hope it is not too hot out for the bear.  The last time we used Bruno, he passed out from the heat stroke and he could not even fit in the SWAT van.

Sargent Clemente:  Yep, I remember.  He woke up in the animal hospital all disoriented, tore up the receptionist's typewriter and ate a Norwegian Blue.

Officer Gutierrez:  You would be Captain by now if it weren't for that bear.

I do not think there is a bad smell to a dog.  A bad smell to a dog is like a bright light to a human.  I have never seen a dog give the impression that a four day old swollen possum was a "bad" smell.  In fact, if you do not control him, your Labradoodle will roll all up in that stink.  That smell to a dog must be like porn to a bible salesman.  If you want to screw up a dog's smeller, you need pepperoni.

Officer Gutierrez:  Sir, the perps ran off down this alley.
Sargent Clemente:  Are you sure?
Officer Gutierrez:Yes Sir, Bowser has a strong scent and is closing in.  Found something Sir
Sargent Clemente:  We are dealing with a professional,  it is a pepperoni stick.
Officer Gutierrez:  He has lost the trail.
Sargent Clemente:  It is like Crystal Meth.  It will ruin a dog in just a few sniffs.  Ole Bowser will never be the same.  He twitches all the time now.

Can a dog smell fear?  How about good writing?

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