Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Science - Forensic Science

This is the crime scene, Anywhere, America.

A Ratus Ratus is found decapitated in the front yard of 245 Cresky Circle, Fish Lake, Indiana.
It was a particularly gruesome  crime scene.  No blood trail, no tracks, no leads.  Just death!

The yellow control tape is looped around most of the acreage.

Tinkerbell, the black Lab is stunned by the violence.  "Ruff, buff,fuff,buff, buff. (translation:This used to be a nice yard, this may aggravate my restless leg syndrome) "buff,buff, duff, ruff puff (My name is Tink not Tinkerbell, I am not a puff)

Picture found at the scene.  Is the victim one of the rodents in the picture?  With no feet or arms, probably not.  Send it to the lab.  Must be a family of mutants.

Officer Gutierrez is canvasing the neighborhood for any witnesses.

                                 Sargent Clemente has no comment.

The coroner report states that the rodent died of decapitation.  But not from a cat that was seen chewing on the neck at the scene.  The wound has traces of  keratin from a Norweigan Blue.

Sargent Clemente:  Call the FBI, it the serial killer.  The Parrot has struck again.  And find out who those rats are in the picture.

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