Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Album List

Tapestry  - My mouth still drops open every time I hear this album.  It seems to represent ultimate freedom and then I weep.
Machine Head - I could jump off a building or drive off a mountain road while listening to this album.  It takes over my brain and makes my eyes close autonomically.
Second Helping - I thought maybe someone was a reincarnation of Hank Williams. I was singing, dancing and hollering the second time I listened to the album. I felt proud of those guys and gals for some reason. 
Rumors  - This album showed up at a time when the rock music was taking its first death blow.  I remember thinking, Who the hell is Fleetwood Mac and why are they rockin like scrotum kickers.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Classic Rock-  This album showed what I missed with the Beatles who invented theme albums.  My sister must have played this album a thousand times in a row.

The thing about the Beatles was that I did not hear their songs on albums.  I was too young and it was the days of 45s.  I started listening to albums with two particular ones.  The Red and the Blue as I called them.  They were compilations and did not have a theme.   It was not till much later that I listened to and purchased Let it Be, Introducing the Beatles and  Magical mystery Tour.  So, the Beatles do not get an album vote.  I am not sure they fit in a peg hole anyway.

 Disraeli Gears probably should be in there but I could never put it in a category and I still am not sure what the title means.  Sticky Fingers was easy and So was Green River but it was kind of strange rock.  Awesome but strange and minimal. 
The way I like it.

If I had only these nine albums to listen to for the rest of my life, I would not complain nor get bored. It is kinda like spaghetti or Corned Beef Hash and Grits.

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