Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letter to the Senators

Dear hapless, out of touch Rich People,

What were we thinking?  We thought we were selecting people that believed in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for All people.  We actually are familiar and feel comfortable with being misled.  For example, we thought the physicians became doctors to help the suffering humanity.  I laugh all the time while I am in the presence of a physician. My favorite phrase with doctors is, "Explain why this is the best course of treatment for my sitchiation".  Another one is, "I noticed you have a young daughter, would you want a fifty year old man giving her this examination/test with that lame diagnosis?"

Senator, here is the thing.   You have no idea how to help us.  Just admit it and get on with it.  Keynesian Economics does not cover fifty years of ignorance, greed and porking  interns. Kinseyian research will apply because we have been corn-holed several different ways and a multitude of times.  We need protection from Big Brother and and his little penis, big business.  I am not afraid of big government because you guys cannot wipe your own ass successfully and do not see any reason to wipe it.  So how can the government actually infringe on the rights of the masses.  The Machine cannot process the paperwork fast enough to actually do any infringing.  A president and dozens of advisers can fly over a flooded city and not even ponder whether help is needed prior to his gun lobby shooting practice.

Some of the best advice I ever got was, "If you do not  know what to do, do nothing".  That goes along with "Measure twice, cut once".  My grandfather used to say, "Always keep a nice hole handy".  He was talking about burying things and people that need burying. He may have been talking about the maid but I do not think so.

Senator(s), get out of office if all you can do is solicit sexual favor and home renovations.  Think about what you are doing.  Think!  Well, No, just go away.  We do not need you anyway.

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