Tuesday, March 22, 2011

conversation with an genuinely ignorant person

I was walking to the bank the other day.  It is about a mile from my office and I walk there for exercise.  I see a man standing there talking to his truck.  I decide to get a little closer to see what he was saying and to listen to see if the truck answers him back.  He notices me looking at him and he asked me:

Ignoramus:  Can I help you?
Me:  I was just wondering if everything is ok. I mean, you are talking quite loudly to your truck there.
Iggy:  This is not my truck, I would not own this piece of shit mold of a truck if you paid me.  It is made in China.
Me:  Well, it is a Toyota but probably the thing was assembled in Tennessee.
Iggy:  I think it is owned by an A-rab. There are lots of them in Tennessee.
Me:  I had not heard that.
Iggy:  Yeh, they go to places like New York and Tennessee to hide out in the dry mosky areas.
Me:  Dry areas of Tennessee, you mean like over by Dalton?
Iggy:  Yep, they make Persian rugs there with secret messages about Muhammad.  I was looking at this truck to see if there was a bomb under it.
Me:  Under it? What for?
Iggy:  Well like, to drive into that crowd of teenagers over there and blow them all up. Create terror.
Me:  It must be working, I am terrified as we speak.  But teenagers? Most people would be glad if there were no more hormone driven mindless teenagers hangin out on the street corner.  So that plan may backfire.
Iggy:  Well, they are not very bright!
Me:  The teenagers or the terrorists?
Iggy:  Don't you see the plan, first they start with using our trucks...
Me:  Like the Dodge Ram that is assembled in Mexico.
Iggy:  Yeh exactly and then they kill our children, then they install a communist government.
Me:  Don't you mean a fascist government, most people confuse the two, and then they kill Jesus again?
Iggy:  Yep, Well, them Jews should have stopped them from killing him the first time.  You know, he will keep coming back.
Me:  Jesus?
Iggy: Yup, they can't keep that dude down.
Me:  God bless you young man.

Iggy gives me the thumbs up.

Me:  Well, as long as everything is ok, I gotta get to the bank.  Walking away quickly in a serpentine montion.
Ignoramus:  Yep, Ok, nice talkin to ya.

Ignoramus returned to looking at the truck, gave it a three finger salute and walked on mumbling.

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