Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Science -- Oil

I just read the best article ever on reasons for getting away from oil.  I cannot find it again.  It was an essay.

Nothing but the facts Jack.  This is a summary, a poor summary of a great article.

Ten years of fighting and trillions of dollars spent in the Middle East to protect our interests in oil

Pollution of our air and with the recent spill, our water close to home.  Not Alaska.  Jay Leno verified that a significant portion of our younger generations do not know what Alaska is or where it is or even why Sarah Palin is there. Wasn't she one of those monty python guys.

The US has more untapped oil reserves than any countries except Russia.  More than Saudi Arabia, more than the North Sea area.  It is a military and economic strategy that everyone else pumps out all their oil first.

We have enough natural gas, nuclear and alcohol producing areas to cut our oil consumption by 75 percent without even touching our oil reserves.  Imagine how long our reserves and power will last if we did not touch reserves.  Forever, correct.

These are facts.

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