Thursday, March 17, 2011

Player's dictionary

hammerknocker  -- This is a general term referring to a female vagina or a female's ability to have sex.  She has a great hammerknocker or She is a fine hammerknocker.

monkey  -- something you throw, I guess.  She threw that monkey on me and I was done in a flash.

high cotton --  A light and fluffy vaginal area.   A great relationship for the player.

hammer  --  penis, size my vary with the quantity of alcohol consumed.

Don't be like that!  --  What the Player says when he can not come over and catch a monkey and she is upset with his married relationship.  This is the beginning of the end of the relationship as far as the player sees it.  She will cause trouble at home if she does not calm down.  Players are quite sure women are crazy.   Mostly because they are interested in players.

When I am at home!  -- The answer the player gives when the playee asks if he is married.  Ladies can take just about anything except liars.

sumpum --  obviously a weak descriptive noun.  It must be small or weak because he usually asks for two of them.   I need/can I have/can you give me a little sumpum-sumpum.

Players that get into a relationship that has gone too far has to extricate himself quickly and painlessly, for himself mostly.

Well, I gave you mine! -- What the player says when he stops seeing his hammerknocker or will not leave his wife for her when she says "And after I gave you my stuff (her monkey, high cotton, sumpum).
 Players are charming and confident.  This line will confuse the victim and he will have changed his cell phone number before she comes to her senses.

Players also have a habit of talking with their chin.  Kinda jutting it out and pointing with it.  It is a non-verbal form of a line.

Line --  Probably the first thing a potential hammerknocker hears.  It is about seventy percent truth but it is quickly followed by a fake name and a string of lies closely resembling Yak gak.  Example: " Damn girl your hair smells nice.  My name is Sergei and my dad was a leader in the resistance in Kosovo.   My mom and I crawled out of Bonia disguised as bags of UN stone ground wheat flakes.  These scars are from the water torture.  They tried to make Farina out of us.   Now mom and I are in hiding from death squads and live in a trailer."

1 comment:

  1. Dad I was dying as I read this. Hilarious. All I can think about now is the country song, "High cotton" which goes a little something like... "We were walking in, HIGH COTTON, good times there were not forgotten.." hahahahaha

