Monday, March 14, 2011

In a nutshell

This was going to be a blog about moon bases,  boring, what an A-hole, yes with a capital A

I thought a list of things I hate would be nice

I hate wet socks
I hate women, I love women
I hate lithium
I hate spiders, anything that can get within my comfort zone before I can blink is of Satan
I do not like hand lotion but I do not hate it, no, I hate it
I hate the letter V
I hate needles, a spider with a rostrum shaped like a needle, suicide me!
I hate three legged dogs
I do not like clowns, I may hate them
I hate waking up with my shirt around my neck.
I hate finger food that costs a lot and tastes like the bottom of my shoe
I hate the name Clive
I hate cloves
I hate Rubidium
I hate that hitting a golf ball creates more anger than it uses. Negative enthalpy of anger. 
I hate that a duck's penis looks like conch shell eggs
I like eggs but I am not sure about chickens, they remind me of Carl Reiner
I hate Cheetos/Death Rods (puffed grease with fluorescent agent orange added so you can see your arteries clog while in the dark!)
I used to hate olives, green or black, now just mostly do not like them
I hate mint
I hate knots
I hate boy scouts
I hated the Dewey Decimal System because I failed every test I ever took on it, now I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I was just telling someone the other day about how you call Cheetos --> Death Rods. I love it.

    I love that first thing you said about spiders and how they are "of satan". I just killed two spiders tonight and it was a moment of intensity let me just say that. -Anna
