Monday, March 21, 2011

Quest for Order

Wanting "order" is a new tick to me.  I am no longer satisfied with chaos and its wimpy cousin, unorderly.  Though what is and what is not orderly is up for a corn hole of a debate.  If I have piles of junk they must be orderly piles of junk.  The magazines must exhibit some kind or order as they cover the coffee table.  An unattended coffee cup and associated coffee cup ring left on the table causes sphincter contractions.  With a coaster nowhere to be found and a "ring" on the table, I would be more comfortable with the cup in the sink and a toweling of the table.  It is not the cup but the ring that most likely does not artistically accentuate the cup or the table.

I saw a knot in a power cord and I sent out a request to my wife by saying "I hope you do not leave that there all day".  She said, What, oh that knot?   If you could not tell, I have a thing for knots.  In some circles I am known as the Knot Wizard.  Mostly circles inside my brain.  I can untie any knot regardless of the complexity. Extension cords, please,  at least challenge me.  Fine Jewelry  is child's play.  I cannot walk by a vacuum cleaner cord that is all knotted up.  How can people live like that.  They are creating all manners of magnetic fields in the living room. What if the cat gets caught in that magnetic field and give rise to catdog kippies. 

There was a time I call BO, "Before Order" that I did not even recognize that there was order in fractals.  The BO period was full of messes and piles.  It was a time of frivolity and gaiety.  Long-haired leaping gnomes and all that.  I could walk contently past a pile of tangled up cable.  BO ended abruptly one cool, crisp spring morning.  I woke on the wrong side of the septic tank and my wife had left every single cabinet door and several drawers in the kitchen open while she was chasing the horses down the street because she left the stall gates open.  The back door to the house was wide open also and Catdog was being chased by the neighbor's pit bull.  At that instant, I felt that a fundamental, quantum shift was about to occur.  I was hoping for the power of Invisibility but I got "order".  It was a large gonadal disappointment but you take the blessings you can get.

Order keeps me sane yet pushes me closer to the cliffs of Insanity.  I am ok with that because the insane know the insane and they just do not give any hoot and there is some kind of order in that.

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