Monday, February 28, 2011

Birthday Greetings

This was an email I sent my sister,  
Happy Birthday Anyuta.  I have been thinking about you and your new job.  I have not heard much about it.   This picture is how I feel when I think about going to work so I hope you like your job. 
Anyway, looking forward to seeing you at Synovia's wedding thing.  I will be the grumpy one in the corner.  I have to go buy some nice cloths as not to embarrass and well, yeh, say hello to hundreds of people I do not know or care to know.  I just have to remember that they probably do not want to or care to know me either.  It could be a opportunity for growth.
You are doing well, I hope.  You are an inspiration and a great Aunt to my kids.  How did that happen after being such a shitty sister to your pain in the ass little brother.
love ya,


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