Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Science

The video link is an octopus in a bottle.  Remarkable.  The other day I watched a show with all these monkeys and primates doing all kinds of junk.  They were fighting each other one minute, protecting themselves and other apes from giant monitor lizards another minute.  I read an article about a possible Bison roundup in Yellowstone National park because they are worried about Brucellosis that can be transmitted to cows. Come on guys, this is the Twenty First century.  Have the Buffalo not suffered enough.

 I think we need to add Octopus to the intelligent species that should not be exploited list. Is there not endless knowledge we can gain from all species but especially the intelligent ones.  I read a book where people were objecting to war crimes criminals being executed.  We need to know why they did the horrible things they did so maybe we can prevent similar atrocities in the future. 

I am not saying we should not harvest animals for food.  We need to give them respect as living creatures.  A humane life and death is not too much to ask for any species.  Why do we not treat animals more humanely?
Why was the octopus in the bottle in the first place.  I think most octopi are stoners anyway.  Maybe that is why.

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