Monday, February 21, 2011


I am quite sure that by observing the driving habits of a society, community or region, a reasonable summation of the culture itself could be constructed.  Civility while driving demonstrates a civil approach to society.  Roads, roadsigns and stop lights are a mere suggestion in most countries.  In central America, stopping is optional.  The local man I was riding with slammed on his breaks where two kids came running out of a shack with a crowbar and rushed toward the car.  I wondered if the smell of defecating on myself would keep them from bashing my head in for my gringo money. They started changing the tire.  The driver handed them some money and off we went.  We were in the middle of the road for maybe three minutes.  Cars were just zooming around us honking and swerving.  Someone did steal the mirror of the other side of the car though.  

Responsible driving and responsible behavior in general are in danger of being a lost art in America.  Just drive through a Walmart or mall parking lot and you will rarely see civility.  You will see shopping carts everywhere although there are cart corrals every eight rows.  You will see people walking down the middle of the parking lanes, people not stopping for others or being courteous in any way.  It is not even a zoo.  It more closely resembles a penal colony. When did lack of civility and poor behavior become so acceptable.  I know that the government, the drug companies, the oil companies and the airlines have decided common courtesy is not required in business.  Maybe everyone is just in a bad mood and they forgot the next person in line may need some real assistance and compassion.  If you wanted a good piece of chicken, maybe you should go to Kentucky Fried instead of the local grocery store. If you do not like something, do not buy it.  Do not demand anything or act like a rude five year old. My dad used to say that if you act like a child, you will be treated like a child. 

Civility is necessary in a free society. 
"Civility is to human nature what warmth is to wax."
Arthur Schopenhauer[1]

 I cannot say it any better than Wikipedia says it. (I changed the word editors to people) Stated-simply, People should always treat each other with consideration and respect. In order to keep the focus on improving the society as a whole and to help maintain a pleasant environment, people should behave politely, calmly and reasonably, even during heated debates.

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