Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Every morning I wake up to a different tune in my head.  This usually classic song plays most of the day.  Here is a list of the last few days.

Hey, Joe
When I'm Sixty Four
Knights in White Satin
Smackwater Jack
Dust In the Wind
Private Eyes  -- No offense Daryl and John but get the hell out of my head and get your hair out of my mind.   Your have left the cranial door open to Laura Branigan. No offense to Miss Branigan, she just does not belong on this particular list either.  I used to make fun of her music because it was played on a loop for most of the nineteen eighties.  I try to never make fun of anyone who dies of an aneurysm.

We can revisit my insensitivity some other time.

I had Barry White in my brain for three days.  Each song has to be replaced by another jammin tune.
The Kingston Trio got in there and the only way I could get them out, all three of them was to read about them and realize that The Reverend Mr. Black was not really their old man.  I heard a Trini Lopez song the other day and it had my toe a tappin. The blessing there was that I have almost no short term memory function remaining and NO musical ability whatsoever.  The song did not stick in my brain, Thank the Carpenter. 

One time, Elvis's Blue Christmas was churning in my brain far into the month of March.  Can you imagine the damage to my neurons after nearly four months of "blue, blue, blue Christmas".  It was like Battle of the Bands trying to stop that one.  "Kpve raom pm ,e" or with my fingers on the correct keys "Love, Rain on Me" kicked Blue Christmas to the curb.  I just figured out the Russian language.  Cyrillic conversion is actually just putting your fingers on the wrong anchor keys. Go figure that one out!

I am going to investigate some  Nick Gilder tune.  Oh the humanity,  Hot child in the City, du, du, du, Help!  Runnin wild and lookin pretty, du, du, du,  Hasten annihilation!

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