Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reality Shows

If I have to wait through a commercial for one more tribal council I think I will shoot the TV with a registered firearm.  It was a real kick in the testicles when I learned that the stars, if that is really possible, get crap loads of money.  People complain when a professional athlete get used up and thrown away before thirty years of age and receive large sums of money yet they do not flinch at some talentless bimbo getting millions to yell at her kids.  The reality is there are too many morons in the world.  I do not blame the stars from taking the money any more than I blame a broken down athlete for taking money.  I rarely watch professional sports and that includes college and I do not watch reality television.

I am not sure what makes a show like Amazing Race watchable for so many years.  Why would anyone care to watch Bachelor, it is not EVEN well written.  Well, it is probably better written than this sludge you are currently reading  but I am not getting millions of  dollars for it either.  When I do watch Steven Segal mangle people's scrotums with a tire iron or when Jackie Chan slides down the side of a skyscraper, at least I know it is probably not any more real than Championship Wrestling.  Network executives are not trying to prove Buffy really did slay vampires.  Our lives are much more interesting and tragic than any reality show.  They do not have more love, hate, lying or cheating.  Now, Cheaters is a great reality show.  It is better than Cops, just much harder to watch.

Watching a man, a stupid man try to talk his way out of some skank's pants while his wife and girlfriend are jack slapping his ass is as close to reality as you can get.  In a recent news story, a lady poured gasoline in her boyfriend's lap and set his crank on fire.  Real enough for me. A week later, he told her that he would not press charges and wanted to continue seeing her.  Now that is reality.
She said, Sorry, your junk was only SO, SO in the first place and now it is all shriveled and shit.   Na, not interested. 
 I had tears in my eyes from the sadness and the laughter.

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