Monday, January 31, 2011

Deer antlers

Here is a list of things that I have heard will get you high, sexed or pumped up.

It is for you to decide which category goes with which item.

Tequila                                             rabbit testicles
banana peels                                     goats milk
sunflowers                                        Killer Bee honey
deer antlers                                      California Hemp
Sperm whale brains                          Lavender Tree bark     
Peach pits                                        Old Faithful Water
carrots                                             used motor oil    
pregnant women urine                      carrot Cake
cassava                                            eye of newt
Bat wing soup                                  Burt Reynolds hair
Shark fin                                          elephant tusk
Oolong Tea                                      Barry White sweat

*Disclaimer   -I am mostly insane. These are items I have heard from equally disturbed individuals may do something to a person if ingested.  I think all of them are a crock and I am not suggesting or recommending any of them.  In fact, Burt Reynolds hair is a transplant and it was not from his head!

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