Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cranberry Sauce

I have seen cranberries and they do not look or taste anything like the sauce.  In fact, the jiggling motion is a little disturbing.  There was this other stuff that used to appear like spontaneous generation on the dinner table and it containing cranberries and orange peels.  These two substances are common ingredients in furniture polish.  Why would anyone think this cat hack would be edible.  True, Bananas and Mayonnaise works out and Bean flavored ice cream is all the rage.  I know that if you add enough sugar to anything, it will taste good.  If honey was not so messy, well, never mind that.  How did vanilla flavor come from the bean?  It is poisonous.  Who tried to convince the first caveman that a chicken egg was edible?  Chocolate is another bean that does not resemble the finished product.   These tools are for gynechologists and cranberry sauce makers.  I told you it was disturbing.

I suppose since it is a berry and the bears and the birds were eating it, humans figured why not.  The sauce that gets stuck in the can is a whole separate bag of shoestrings.  I have seen gravy do that jiggle thing and I have seen thighs do it also.  If you cannot easily get something out of a can, do not eat it.   That is what I always say.  For everything you ever needed to know about cranberry sauce, follow the link.

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