Friday, January 21, 2011

Zoology Lesson 101

If it looks like a dog, it is in the Genus Canis
Spiders and Crabs are cousins.
Small birds are finches.
A Chimpanzee and a Bonobo are most likely the same thing.
Simon Cowell is actually the first educated silverback gorilla.
A snake and a limbless lizard are not even cousins.
A zebra is a horse in striped pajamas to me!
No matter how much they tell me that a buzzard is a close cousin to the chicken hawk, I do not believe them.
There are two million different types of insects and they are all disgusting under a microscope but insect blood is green and that is cool.
Due to DNA mapping, phylogeny naming is going to change so speaking Greek and Latin is only as valuable as speaking gibberish. 
(All bets are off with plant taxonomy.  The groups make no sense, there are plants that look like palms but are actually vegetables.  An oak leaf looks identical to the plant leaf that is found in my spaghetti.)
With this information in memory, you will get about a D+ or a C- on the average college Zoology class quiz.

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