Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How do I look?

I was at the local McDungeon getting my fix of breakfast burrito when I looked at the pay window only to see someone I recognized.  I thought it was him.  Upon reaching the pay window, it was clearly a young Dave.  Same round face, same John Lennon specs, same lip-bitten angry bewilderment.  I just gazed on him while he gave me my change correctly.  As we parted, he said in the same Dave  inflection, “Have a nice Thanksgiving” and I blurted out, “Say hello to your Dad”.  I called Dave upon reaching my office and ask him if some of his seed was misplaced about sixteen or seventeen years ago.  He said "not that he remembered". 

I recently saw another guy that looks very similar to my friend Rich.  He has the same body shape, lurching shuffle, facial expressions and even the same sort of Roy Orbison hair thing going on.  From the distance, it was Rich.  As he approached me in the hallway, I would still swear it was him.  It was not him but I followed until I heard him speak.  He was not from Long Island or wherever Rich is from but they sound similar.  I was told that there was a kid at my high school that could have been my twin.  I saw  picture of him and it was spooky similar.    I wonder if his hips cramp up when  he is sitting on a motorcycle?

I can understand people with the same facial structure sounding alike, it is a physical thing.  I cannot understand a person that looks like someone else having the same eyeglasses and speech deviancy.  Maybe it is that I recognize the eyeglasses first.  How does body shape relate to hair styles?  I have no answers for this.  I have no answer and I am now having a writing block.

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