Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cent Key

Recently, I found myself scanning every key on my keyboard for the “cent” sign.  I know it was there although I have not used it in a long time. I remember making pictures during Jr. High typing class with only cent signs and percent signs.   I did not find it on the keys.  I chucked this mess into the Remediation Basket and decided to sleep on it.   The next day, for some reason, and really, if history is any indication of the present, it will not be of any help, I decided to check the MS Word help file to see if this “icon” still exists.  I really have to laugh as to not cry because have you seen the MS Word dashboards lately.  Not only will I never use ninety seven percent of those options (not to mention the pull down menus) but the menus have been organized by a Hun.  How hard would it be to put the word “help” on the freakin  screen.   My best guess was a little faintly colored and poorly highlighted question mark on the fringe of my screen.   I less than enthusiastically typed the word “cent” into the help box and hit the enter key.  Low and Behold, it returned buppkiss, nothing, nada, zip, hooey.  Smack me with an Asian Carp, it turns out that the word is “cents” with an S.

This possibly plural word returned one article with the title Dear Crabby: Dollars are lovely; cents make them what they are  and even after reading this blog three and four times I still do not know the meaning of the title.  However, it was an informative little note.  Ctrl +/ then Ctrl +C gives you a ¢.  I tried it and I once again showed my ignorance of all things techno because you do not hit the plus keys. The plus word here means “and at the same time hit”.  After three tries I got it, a little cents sign.  Feeling all that about myself I continued typing and now I was getting all these little letters in some strange font.  Not only did I create a cents sign with a special key stroke sequence which I will never remember, I lent control of my fonts to an alien life form with very good eyesight.   Example:  ¢.  I did it but what the hell is that!.  It took me five trips to the HOME menu bar to get out of this one and I never really did.  Ok, so they did away with the cent sign and there is a way to get one.  

I really hate it when I do not notice change.  Change is continuous and I should be constantly looking for it and embracing it.  One more thing, the MS Help search was merely a web search an I could have done that without the stupid question mark.

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