Thursday, January 13, 2011


This subject is one of the main reasons I started this blog.  I feel there are a million sides to this story and all the possible scenarios are running rudely throughout my skull.  The need for a logical resolution in my brain is becoming paramount.  I want to have a well-thought-out position on this issue.  I would like to sound intelligent if possible when someone corners me on this issue instead of setting off my fight or flight reflex and I either cry or strike out with a utensil.

    I know we have only seen the beginning of this sort of information management.  The technology to gain information of this nature has increased in the same way Blu-Ray and laptop computers are almost extinct.  Five years ago, only major corporations and governments had the resources to mine information of this sensitive nature.  Now, a twelve year old with a droid phone can slam security cameras at peep shows on  MLK Blvd. while texting his mom about being late for dinner.  I suppose some laws may have been broken while gathering this information like hacking firewalls and such.  In contrast to that process, if people are just browsing the data streams and picking out information that is encrypted (or not) and subsequently crack it open, I don’t think that is breaking a law.  If I find a letter on the street with no stamp on it, am I breaking a law by opening it and reading it?

The Watergate tapes, the Pentagon Papers, the Valerie Plame thing and all the other backdoor political follies that have been uncovered point to a need for some transparency in the world.  One reporter talking about the leaks stated something like this "All in all, the US diplomats in these leaks are showing that they are hard working responsible and moral American citizens".  It is only the big dogs that have to worry, CEOs, Presidents, etc.  No CIA agents have been outed (Like Valerie was), no mole has been killed because of these Wikileaks documents.  I figure some powerful people are preparing damage control.  Wikileaks has promised to release more information from major corporations.   

I cannot be happier.  Although I have secrets, I would gladly give all of them up to the internet if everyone else did.

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