Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Science : Teach a man to Fish Part 1

"Give a man a fish, Feed him for a day, Teach him to fish, feed him for life"  Or something like that. Another wisdom I heard was "Study any subject for one hour a day, each day for one year and at the end of that year, you will be one of the world's experts in that subject."

I wanted to start backyard fish farming.  I am not sure why although it seemed like a cool thing to say at a party. "Yep, I grow them in a pool in my backyard, you should come over to see my success and make yourself feel less than me!"  I read everything I could read about aquaculture.  I read about fish in baskets in the ocean.  I saw ditches filled with Tilapia and plenty of smiling faces holding up ugly fish.  After about a year, I felt I was an expert on the methods of fish farming.  I was going to grow fish in a pool in my back yard.  A few small problems did exist.  I did not have a backyard, I did not have the correct kind of pool and I had not briefed my wife on this "latest" scheme.  Maybe I should have been reading about how to communicate with a wife. 

I actually did have a backyard.  It was small and filled with a trampoline, a playhouse, a flower garden and a large, cunning dog that I rented out to Mexican drug lords to assist them in their tunnel digging.  This dog could did through roots and hardpan without breaking a toenail.  He could move a yard of dirt from under the patio in minutes.  I was in the kitchen when I heard Bruno barking.  It sounded like he was in the bathroom.  He was under the bathroom.  I decide to put together a fish farming plan and look for investors.  My neighbor Tim was single and had a backyard and no dog.  He was always up for a this kind of scheme so I presented it to him. He wanted to know if beer would be required.  Most definitely I assured him.    "The pool is $200 and it comes with a pump and a filter. I have everything else WE need including the cooler to keep the beer cold.  I can get the fish from the pet store.  They breed like rabbits so in no time we will have lots of fish.

I must have covered it all because Tim did not ask any other questions, he just game me the 200 and off I went in quest of the perfect backyard fish farming pool. 

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