Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Science: A List

   Name                                     Generally considered

Golgi Bodies          --     shipping and receiving body in a large company
Bundles of His       --      Telephone from one side of the heart to the other
Organelles             --      little organs
xyphoid process    --      bottom part of the breast bone
blastoma               --      Cancer of more immature cells,    
angina                   --      severe pain in the heart, you are most likely having a heart attack              
corpuscular           --      free, unattached, like floating in a river
cloaca's kiss          --      A form of reproduction in birds that can align the  sex organs with a "kiss- quick touch" while in flight.
Malpighian tubules --     waste plumbing system in insects.
Oligochaeta           --     earthworm

That is about it.  Weak I know.

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