Thursday, February 17, 2011

Player's card: Part 1

Three of us who had worked together for some odd twenty years were having lunch in the cafeteria.  One friend was hanging his head low.  The other friend, a Player for many years said, 
"Ace, whats up with the face"?
He always calls him Ace, I know not why.  Ace said,
           Remember last week, I told my wife about it.
What? you told on yourself, you did not even get any.  What did you tell her?
            I told her that we were in our hot tub.
            She asked if we were naked, I said no, we had bathing suits on.  She said, The bitch brought her bathing suit! So you have been planning this.  I said, No I loaned her one of yours!

The player and Ace were hanging their heads in shame.

Ace, Ace, you never tell on yourself man, what else did your wife say?

Now it was clear Ace was not finished and I was laughing out loud.

The brother is hurtin, lets support him.

       She asked me, Which bathing suit? I said, The nice yellow one.  
       The one I had on this morning,    Your whore had her pussy in my favorite suit?

The Player was looking around and very fidgety.

Ace, Ace, I am sorry to tell you this but we are going to have to pull your Player's Card.  Telling on yourself just will not sit well with The Boys.  I gotta do it.

I had to visit the restroom before returning to work.  I was laughing so hard I could no longer control my sphincter.

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