Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Can Not We All Just Get Along?

Some decisions can not be settled with a compromise any more than a man can stop sinning.  In Egypt and many other places in the Middle East, an educated man has greater chance of being unemployed.  That is a completely opposite cultural situation that I have been experienced with concerning education and  a future. Gross misunderstandings of these kinds make compromising seem impossible.   In our country, we constantly worry about illegal immigrant labor taking jobs from the hard working people of America. Could there be a real compromise on the immigration issue.  Compromise is actually a solution yet many people are already clicking off this blog because they really do not want a solution, they want it how they want it.  ( well,not many are clicking off.  No readers, no judges)

Research has indicated that suboptimal compromises are often the result of negotiators failing to realize when they have interests that are completely compatible with those of the other party and settle for suboptimal agreements. Mutually better outcomes can often be found by careful investigation of both parties' interests, especially if done early in negotiations   ^ Thompson, Leigh; R. Hastie (1990). "Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, (Issue 47)" Social perception in negotiation. Academic Press. pp. 98–123. Retrieved 2009-08-17.

".....Negotiators failing to realize......."  Are these negotiators all pig headed, stubborn, selfish, fascist, revolutionary zealots.  Some of them may be just that.  There are parasites and there are symbiotes in nature and in society.  Humans have the capacity to dominate nature in social ways as well as physical coercions.  We do not have to accept the doctrine of survival of the fittest.  After all, it is fairly clear that humans may not be the fittest animal on the planet for continued domination.  Could not the amount of time, money and effort be spent on social adjustments instead of physical rearrangement of materials and body parts.  If we really wanted oil from the brown skinned people of the middle east, would it not be cheaper and friendlier for out government to literally buy  it from them than to have Boeing, Raytheon and the General Dynamics build weapons and sell it to them.  Would it not be cheaper to "teach them to fish" than to wage war?  

"What" just be nice and help them and they will give us oil? Then who will be greatest?  Years ago, The leaders and the people of Egypt and Israel  realized the completely compatible issues in their societies.   These leaders believed  the commonalities and goals would outweigh the differences and two countries could live in some sort of harmony.  Go figure,  The process of compromise requires effort and understanding.   The people of Northern Ireland found some kind of peace when the people, not the governments and the political fascists decided that if they were going to live together and wanted to watch their children grow up, there would have to be some kind of compromise.   

I think compromise is learned and rooted in trust.  Not just trust in the enemy or the other person but trust in the possibility of compromise.  Love and compromise are expressions of the same God.   "All we are saying, Is give peace a chance".  

Yes, we can all get along. Really.  

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. Humans most certainly are not the most fit animal for continued domination. The damn hummingbirds will blow us all up before we figure out that feet indeed do not belong in our mouths.
