Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Constitution: The Seventh Amendment

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Sometimes I think that they should have lumped a few of these in together and saved a lot of time.  I guess the Bill of Rights was that so I should shut it.

There it goes again, formatting that I did not do or ask for.  Hmmm

The right to a jury trial, to keep fat headed judges in line.  "You're all out of Order".  What about twelve angry men, is that good.  Henry Fonda cannot be in every jury box.  Ask, Canasta Jane Fawlfront of Cheshireton in Bristol.  She was convicted of threatening a hedgehog.  The judge, who was from Australia which pissed up a lot of Brits, called the tart a Hog thrasher.  Scarcely anyone knew what he was talking about so the jury convicted her of animal cruelty for chasing the bint with a bit of a switch and it ran in the road and was smashed by the 8:23 to Yorkshire.  Hedgehogs, although generally considered a common rodent, are cute so the jury sentenced her to housecleaning for the Vicar.    The Judge threw the entire mess out because it was actually an Echidna which is not related to the hedgehog at all.  

Lost my point on this one.  

Oh, trial by jury and cannot be tried twice for the same offense.  Good stuff.

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