Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Puddle for your thoughts

I threw my grand-daughter in the mud pond the other day.  She deserved it.  Her father had killed a snake and thrown it on the bank.  It was a water snake, most likely a moccasin which for those that do not know is a vile, mean, hateful creature.  The Cotton mouthed Moccasin will come after you and chase you.  There is no minding your own business with this spawn of Satan.   She told me it was still alive and wanted me to go see it. I told her "if it is dead, I am going to throw you in the pond with it".  It was stinky dead.  Snakes stink sooner after death than any animal I know.

Anyway, she snapped a noodle and popped a vein all at the same time.  She started chasing me which brought laughter from her father and me and everyone that could see this fat ole man running from this eight year old crazed banshee.  I don't know if it was the fact that she could not catch me or the laughter from her father or what but she dramatically fell to the ground and started uttering swear words and insults in rapid succession.  I laughed even harder.

I told her later that I did not intend to embarrass her or scare her, I just wanted to play and play I did. 

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