Thursday, June 23, 2011

I want what I want

You hear this and think.  "Ok, that is actually a reasonable statement".  A person works and  saves to have what they want.  Reasonable!

"No, it is not reasonable".  It is double declarative and softer way of saying "Gimme".  The statement hints of self-centering, intolerance and greed.  Those who use this phrase have an entitlement issue.  Hmm, I wonder if we heard those words echoing from the concentration camps or the CIA prisons at Guantanamo and Kosovo. 

Torture Officer:  "You will die here with unclean books if you will not tell where the CIA money is in Iraq?"

Imam Ali:  "I don't want those unclean books, I want clean books, I want what I want!"

You probably did not hear that too often wafting off of the steel fences.  I will have what I deserve is almost the same tone. 

How about, "I will have what I can get".  That is more realistic, and a least shows less entitlement and a earned kind of attitude.  "I will take what I can get" is a little better.

"Take what you need and leave the rest" is better yet.  I would say that there is almost no entitlement or deserve in this world. 

Angry Friend:  "Are you going to let them walk all over you that way"
Non-Aggressive Friend:  "What else can I do, its the government"
Angry:  "They don't have the right to do that, get a gun, move to Spokane, that will show them"
NAF:  "It is just a car registration, so the price went up.  We have to pay for your Army Vet insurance some how"
Angry:  "The will know what kind of car you drive and then they will take it if they need it or know your ability to escape them if they are hunting you.  If they know you have a Hummer, not that plastic shit H3, then they know you are serious about your independence."
NAF:  "All that from vehicle registration, I never would have imagined.  Just for the sake of an argument which is quite a prosaic statement, why would anyone want my 1985 three cylinder Geo Metro with a broken windshield.  Hell, it can barley get up my driveway."
Angry:  "Well, you are no threat, you are a biologist working for NASA, your right, what the hell would they want you for"  "I am talking about Juba and people like him."
NAF:  "Juba, the guy that is drunk by 2pm every day?"
Angry:  "They keep him drunk, he's got shit on the government"
NAF:  "He's got shit on this pants, at least that is what it smells like"

I may feel I deserve some things but that does not mean I will get them or even appreciate them if I had them.  I want, I think that is what makes me human.

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