Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Uncle Bob

Recently, I was asked to send a note to my cousin.  She was putting together a father's day card for her dad, my Uncle Bob.  Maybe it was his birthday, I don't know.  I am bad about reading entire emails and miss alot at the end.  She wanted us to write something about memories of her dad (My dad's bro)  We were pretty close emotionally and geographically to Bob. The following was what I wrote for his card. 
Uncle Bob was our emergency contact.  We memorized the phone number at the Used Care Exchange so even if we could not find our parents, we could call Uncle Bob.    When Joe and Ben were nabbed acting foolish (not paying for stuff they desired)  at Ron Jon's Surf Shop, Who do you call? Uncle Bob! 
When I was in college at  FTU (UCF) in Orlando, where did I go for a home away from home? Bob's house.  Aunt Nat would cook and I would eat.  They gave me the code to the garage door so I could make myself at home.  Of course, I bought my first car from Bob.  I abandoned it on the highway somewhere and hitched a ride to the Used Car Exchange and bought another $50 car and off I went.  When I would come in to get another junker off the back lot he would say, "That previous one lasted six months? I did not charge you enough for it then".  Off I would go clanking and belching smoke in a wobbling junker.  What a great Uncle to not only give me a car for $50 but a show car with four different size tires and a hole in the dash where I could put a stereo. 
Thanks for everything Bob,

Bob and Natalie (wife) gave me a Christmas present 30 years ago.  IT was a set of microwaveable bowls and a bacon cooker.  I still have one of those bowls with its lid.  It is the best cookware ever.  It is the Revere Ware of microwave stuff. 

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