Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chicken Sandwich

Recently I bought a chicken sandwich.  It was a piece of chicken, broiled and a bun.  That was it.  I thought carefully and then said "Ah man".  I had left the eating area to enjoy my grilled chicken feast.  Did I have salt, no, did I have sauce, no, did I have any saliva in my mouth, no.  I was not Pavlovianing at the thought of a nice juicy sandwich.   I ate it of course, the main goal was sustenance management anyway.  In fact, I have reduced most of my life to sustenance management.  At first I think it was economic survival.  I now live a pauper's way of life.  Am I missing something?  I can add it to the list of things I missed starting with the two french girls with wine and short shorts in the BMW.  I insisted on selling those stupid T-shirts instead of ditching the whole enterprise and running off to who knows where with the smarmy wenches. 

The chicken sandwich is a metaphor of my life sometimes.  Chicken salad is the metaphor for the rest of the time.

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