Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gender, transgender.

Here is the thing, I understand that with all the intolerance and self-centered people in America that a written policy on transgender issues is needed.  That is not to say that America has a corner on bigotry and prejudice.  They do not.  If America is truly a great society, the Declaration of Independence should cover it.

I have read many accounts of gender, transgender, gay and lesbian people in the native Indian populations of America.  Some accounts were chronicled in the movie, Little Big Man.    You also see it in all ancient writings so it is not new or odd.  It is simply different.

I knew a lady that thought she was a horse.  Really, she would eat nothing but bean sprouts and lemon grass for lunch.  They had to restrict her grazing at the salad bar.  Is that discriminatory.  It is a trans species identity.  She was a good worker, used the toilet properly, had nice haunches and kept quiet.  She could sleep standing up and everything.

I knew a lady that dressed like a man most of the time, looked like a man and slept with men.  She insisted on using the men's bathrooms.  It was confusing.  I was so confused and I cannot even imagine how confused she was. 

The transgender policy talked about being understanding during the "transition".  Is that like when the sun comes up and the vampire has to seek darkness.  What about a black man "passing" as a white man.  How about Sammy Davis Jr. He was a short, one eyed black Jew hangin around with a bunch of Dagos. Which section and chapter of the tolerance policy covers that  situation.  Transition, does that mean until the wardrobe change is complete?  How about a plumbing change?  The lady who dressed like a man did have her tubes tied up.  Is that part of the transition.

Here is one. Who cares.  Judge people on their merits as a human being.  Lets judge people on fairness and love.  Lets hope they have compassion and wisdom.  Lets do not judge them on where the zipper is or even how often they zip it down.  Do not judge, period.

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