Monday, June 13, 2011


I may have found the salvation of my artistic soul.  The phenomonon called Planking.  One of the descriptors of this expression was from

The first thing a serious planker needs is a healthy disregard for the law — and personal safety. A sense of adventure will also come in handy.

The next step is to perfect your technique. To do this you may need to spend a good few hours lying on the floor, face down, and imagining that you are a piece of wood. It is best to practise in the privacy of your bedroom or living room before you’re ready to take your art to the streets.

(I respect the law but have a deep seated conspiracy complex and a streak of rebellion a mile wide.)  I want to imagine that I am a piece of wood.  It reminds me of primary school and imagining I could be something other than a poor black boy with red hair and one eye.

To plank a wild animal or a Sarah Palin rally would be a supreme act of artistic expression.  How is this related to the first amendment?  If some hanging clot can protest at funerals then I should be able to pretend I am a Norther Larch plank and lie flat as a board in a flowerbed while some Neo-fascist rewrites history.

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