Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Constitution: Tenth Amendment

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Plain and simple.  The most important part is the end.  ......or the people.  The "or" part bothers me but the founding fathers never forgot about the people.  They knew that for a union, state's rights had to be trumped and that people's rights also had the ultimate voice.

We as a people forget to exercise our Rights.  We let them get fat and lazy and well we as a country are now on life support because our arteries are clogged with greed, sloth and hard living.  Cheap thrills, corn liquor subsidies and drugs will do it every time.

the Bills of Rights were added as an appendix to the Constitution to give them visibility and strength.  They could have written them into a rushed document.  The Articles of the Confederation were a rough draft.  The Constitution had to get finished for this peculiar institution to get going.  It would need some tweaking.  As I review the remainder of the Amendments and the Constitution itself, I am sure I will get pissed off.  It will be a nice ride though.

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