Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Constitution: Eighth Amendment

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted".
Almost an exact duplication of the English Bill of Rights of 1689.  There was a movie about dat, with Chirstian Slater and ole "Can I have another one Sir".  It was really hard to watch but was very good.

I think in this pussyfied country we live in, the cruel and unusual punishment has come to mean do not make the convicted feel bad because he/she is a dumbass criminal.  I think we should treat them with respect.  For instance, don't rape the women because they are shoplifters.  Do not punch the bank robber in the face every day because we can.  Things like that.   Bail is just to assure the accused will show up for court to be tried by a jury using the other parts of the Bill of Rights.  They were created to protect basic, decent rights of men.  They are not a Bill of Wrongs.  Once they are convicted we should be able to treat them a crapload worse. 

Remember, all bets are off for the Bill of Rights when we are at war.  The Congress has given the President the ability to suspend basic rights because he wants to.

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