Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Science: Unusual Life

I have read two articles this week about seriously strange life forms on earth.  I am not surprised by either.  They both are confounding though.  The first one rocked me to the core of existence.  It is a parasitic crustacean that lodges itself on the tongue of a fish and slowly eats the fish tongue completely.  Fish need a tongue, God said as much by giving them one in the first place so the crustacean attaches itself to the fish's stub of a tongue and grows itself to "replace" the tongue.  I was so aghast by the story that I could barely finish watching the video.  

The second story was a tiny worm, technical name is a nematode that lives in cracks in the rocks a mile deep in the earth's crust.  They live on bacteria in pockets of water (literally drops) trapped in rock formations.  I guess water and these worms work there way down into cracks that form in the crust.  Hell, I don't know and I don't know why except that because they can survive, they do survive.

There have been the cyanide eating bacteria discovered in strange dead places, the fossils of bacteria found in the staggeringly old places and all of them just discovered.  There will be more discoveries to follow these fine works of research.  This reminds me a guy who could find a woman "anywhere".  He picked up a woman at a Toll Booth.  Think about that for a few seconds.  You drive up to a toll booth, pay you toll and ask "Hey, do you want to go out for a drink and dinner?",  She says, "Sure, my shift just ended" and she jumps in your car.  That is almost as remarkable as a worm living in a rock 5000 feet below the earth.  Well, almost.

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