Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Yesterday- October 17

Really, I had nothing to say yesterday.

The "Louder" technique is attributed to Dave Spence.  He was one of those guys that passes through you life and leaves trails of mind dust that float around in your brain for years.    Him and his friend "Stark" used to get drunk and argue in public places.  They have been thrown out of bars, parking lots, all night donut shops and even churches.  I have left them arguing at 2 AM and they tell me the sun came up and they were still arguing.  They will argue about anything.  Sometimes they argue with other people.   They argued with a bunch of Canada dudes about whether or not we Alaska should be Canadian property.  The police had to come break that one up.  There was no violence, just continuous yelling. 

Steve "Stark" and Dave used the technique of repeating their positions over and over again but louder each time.  Dave felt that his particular point sounded more eloquent and clear the louder it was enunciated.   Stark did most of the yelling and Dave just kept repeating it.  I did most of the laughing.  I never took a position in these arguments.  They would get mad at me and call me all kinds of names  but I would not take the bait. 

I do not know what happened to those guys.  Steve got cancer and was cured and moved back up north.  Dave married Margret and I think he is still alive.  Thirty years ago you could argue with someone and scream and holler.  Now it is illegal and someone will shoot you.  I am sure Stark is still arguing with someone.  There was a group of us that spend a great deal of time together in those days.  Mostly playing basketball and golfing.  Being in a group of young people always gave you something to talk and argue about.  As it should be.

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