Wednesday, October 26, 2011

thousand oaks

"No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened"
This amendment was first proposed during the Second Continental Congress in the year of our Lord 1789.  It passed ratification in 1992.  I thought that our political system's stupidity and greed was a fairly new deal.  Obviously, congressmen of yesteryear want to have control over raises also.   North Carolina and Kentucky ratified it twice.   I guess they did not have anything else to do during the second century after thinking about it for a century. 

Did the States have it on the agenda at each meeting of the legislature. 

Speaker of the House:  Mr. representative from the Once Great state of Tennessee, how do you vote this time around?

Tenn. Representative:  Tennessee wants to think about it for another decade if you do not mind.  With the football team sucking and the lack of funding for research from the Feds, shit, we just cannot think about moral issues currently.

Did they just forget about it and once a decade the State Librarian would bring it up as "really old business"?  Were there big debates about this amendment?  This amendment must have pissed off the politicians because every since we put "some" restrictions on them, they went pig-shit crazy with graft, corruption, greed and lust only to completely destroy a great and powerful country. 

This was the last amendment to be ratified in our history and the first one to be proposed in our great experiment.  I do not think there be any more "real" amendments because the institution is failing and any changes will be band-aid solutions and really just make it worse.  I believe in the Barney Fife style of management.  Just a few simple rules.  Alcoholic Anonymous uses "KISS", Keep it simple stupid and KISS used AA. 

I am disgusted by the entire mess.  Bye.

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