Monday, October 24, 2011

Important People

There are important people in the world.  You will not find them on Dancing with the Dim Wits.  I do not figure you will find many of them having anything to do with football or baseball.  There are the unsung associated with these "things" as there are with all endeavor. There are efforts to identify these people throughout the world.  Why?  I have no idea.  If someone has something to offer and they offer it, some will receive it.   Others will want to grab it but hesitate to do so, others will remain suspicious and still others will reject it as "something new."  Important people know this and expect as much.

Apple lured John Sculley away from Pepsi because Apple wanted Sculley to apply his marketing skills to the personal computer market. Steve Jobs successfully sealed the deal with his legendary pitch to Sculley, asking him whether he preferred to "sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?".  Wikipedia
Important people change the world.  Maybe they only change a small part of the world, say the corner sandlot buried inside a city.  Maybe they only change the hope in one child's heart.  Maybe they say "no, this is wrong" when everyone else turns a blind eye.  Maybe this important person will say "hell yes" just as the fearful crowd runs away shouting "no".   Maybe important people never get noticed, most likely they do not. 

I will not be so presumptuous as to think I am one of these important people.   "Hell, he's a natural-born world-shaker. "  I would hope to recognize important people when I encounter them.  I have followed a few I thought may be important.  I was not disappointed, lost but not disappointed.  I think that faith must play a role in becoming an important person.  The guy that jumped on the train tracks to save another had faith in himself to make such a rash decision.   Every day there are crossroads to be negotiated.  Important people have navigation tools that are different from those of the crowd.  The difference becomes apparent in the choices.  As it should be.


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