Thursday, October 6, 2011

Andy Rooney

Andy Rooney is retiring from his spot on 60 Minutes.  He is ninety two years old and probably tired of having to explain why he says what he says.   If I had an idol  in the television world it would probably be Andy Rooney.  I have never "read" much of anything he has written.  I suppose he had a reporter's job and wrote a weekly column for the Times or some such rag.  Well, I did read a little of a book he wrote.  I would read it out loud and sound off just like him.  I had an uncontrollable urge to get up on a soap box and poke holes in the air with my finger.  I feel that old people, and I am quickly becoming one of them, can do and say just about anything they want.  There was a ninety year old lady that was caught selling drugs from her pigeon feeding bench.  She would feed the birds, sell some dope and even smoke some weed.  That is how they caught her, someone reported an old lady smoking at the bus stop.  Who cares?  She is not going to break down the immoral fiber of our nation so forget about it.

Andy Rooney gave the average Joe a voice though I never thought of Mr. Rooney as average.  He had a gift, not just of writing but of communication.  He said things that were buried in our brains or stock on the tips of our tongues.  Lots of things bothered him.  His eyebrows bothered me.  I found myself concentrating on them and not listening to him.   He made me jealous of all the books he read and all the old timers he met.  I figured he was a great grandpa  always using swear words so the parents would frown at him.  The grandkids would laugh hysterically.   I had a terrific grandpa myself.  I am a grandpa but not a very good one yet.  I hope to be one sooner than later.  Love ya Andy.

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