Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I never though much about dreams.  I never had any good flying dreams.  I did have a falling dream once and then realized I just fell off the bunk bed and landed on a fishing box.  I know people that have dreams of melting scenery and moving trees.  I had a dream where I was hiding from aliens and I hid under their rocket ship.  They got tired of  looking for me and jumped in the rocket and blasted off.  I was smashed like a lizard in a door jam.  My daughter had a dream about animals with heads like dogs with cat bodies and they walked on their tongues.  We still worry a lot about her.

I was trying to think of a word for my dreams and that word would be "boring".  Most of my dreams are about eating lunch with a librarian or going to the grocery store and seeing Ronald McDonald buying chicken nuggets. My dreams contain lots of good conversations about the dangers of couponing and how two-for-one is really mostly two for three times the amount normally.  I wake up from these dreams as if I just watched a decapitation with a chainsaw.  "I can not get the checkout beeping noise out of my head; Oh the humanity".  Blue light specials cause flashbacks to South East Asia rice fields. 

I had a dream where I was looking for my kids and a young lady knew where they were but would not tell me.  I was angry with her and insisted she tell me.  She would not so I threatened her physically.  She was walking backwards and continuously saying "no", "no" in a monotone voice.  I told her, "Tell me where they are or I am going to break your skinny little legs".  She seemed scared but still drummed out "no" and then I had this horrible, terrible thought (in the dream) of what I was going to do to her next.  It was so shocking I woke up from the dream.  I was so startled and ashamed of what I was thinking inside that dream, I could not get back to sleep.  I started wondering how I could have such a thought as that awful thought.  

I do not remember ever having a thought while in a dream.  I have made plans in dreams, told jokes in dreams (always boring stuff like "If Dotty West married Conway Twitty she would be Doty Twitty) and I even fell asleep in this dream.  I had several recurring dreams when I was young, they were about Tarzan and running throughout the jungle.  Indiana Jones had nothing on these dreams.  Now the repeat dreams are about going to a university.  I have actually completed a few classes in these dreams and I may graduate one day.  I seem to be keeping my cloths on in these new dreams.  Those evil thoughts in the dream are third degree thoughts.  Dreams are second degree thoughts.  I am not sure how many degrees of thought there are in dreams.  I have never gone past the third degree.  Anyway, I am bored with these thoughts and the writing is suffering.  Dream on!

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